Unfortunately, our account with PayPal has been shut down. They say that they are unable to work with charities that operate in certain countries which they have determined to be "high risk." And Swaziland is on that list.
We're bummed about their decision and we hope it doesn't slow down our efforts to help vulnerable children and orphans in this country. This is part of the process of working in Africa; you find yourself in a "high risk" country in more ways than one! PayPal may be worried about the risk of fraud occurring in this country, but we're mostly concerned with the "high risk" of suffering and even death for the forgotten orphans here.
We hope that all of you will continue to join with us in our cause. If you are interested in donating, there are still various ways to do it. One is to send money directly to us via old-fashioned checks in the mail. For those who would rather go the online route, we are working hard to have a new online payment system in place by early January. Stay tuned!
And Merry Christmas to everybody!
Eric and Keri Dziuban's Christmas tree in Swaziland.